Pratyush Mundadi
Senior at Metea Valley High School

Senior at Metea Valley High School
To pursue my passion for computer science and enginering I have created many projects to learn new concepts, challenge myself, and showcase my skills. Below are some of my many projects including this website which I made on my own.
Hello, my name is Pratyush Mundadi and I am currently a Senior at Metea Valley High School. I am very passionate about coding and learning about technology. If I'm not doing anything related to learning, I like to spend my time biking, playing volleyball, or playing the drums with my band. I am a very hardworking and determined individual who likes to solve problems and help others. :)
I created this using Python, Django, HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It uses a SQLite database to store login info, passwords, profiles and profile pictures.
This was one of my first Ardunio projects. I used an ultrasonic sensor to detect hand movements and a servo motor to move the lid. I used an old granola bar box as the can.
I created an Oxidation-Reaction Probe that can detect salt concentrations in a solution. These probes usually cost hundreds of dollars but with some basic eletrical components and electrochemistry I managed to make one with close to 90% accuracy.
I created these mini games using the Python framework Pygame. The first game I made was a game where you dodge aliens in a spaceship. This game gets harder the higher you score and has 2 levels. The other game I made was included projectiles, hit boxes, and dynamic images.
I found a broken electric scooter on facebook marketplace and decided to try and fix it. I opened it up, tested several components using my Arduino and replaced the faulty parts. This allowed me to use my engineering skills to solve a real life problem.
I created an obstacle avoiding car using my Arduino Uno, an L293d Motor shield, a HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and a SG93 servo motor. In this project I learned how to solder and how to manage multiple devices at the same time. To combat issues with having enough volts to power the car, I utilized a power bank for the arduino and a 9v battery for the other components.